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Neoglobe blogging on new technologies for a cleaner earth.

It gives me real pleasure in announcing my new blog titled  Neoglobe.

The title I chose for my blog for a specific reason that is Neo meaning new.  The world is changing at an incredible pace the countries who do not change are to be doomed.

Neoglobe will report the latest trends and technologies that are changing the world. 
Mother earth has been a shelter for spices on this planet for million of years, it can still provide
the Earth spices shelter in the wast cosmos for million of years to come, only if humanity develops and keeps the earth non polluted and develop's  newer technologies and values in their approach
towards the atmosphere we breath and live in.

The world as a whole as to come together and develop each and every country so that they do not  pollute the Earth, if not then millions are going to suffer. A constructive effort by the rich and poor nations working hand to hand is required. Pollution can spread by water and air and that does not keep rich nations out of the epidemic which will have gigantic proportions on the humans and other spices on this beautiful earth.

Neoglobe will be studying the newer technologies that are being adapted by some countries,organisations and individuals world over. that will have a positive effect on the lives of millions of people on this earth. Our aim is to spread the message a change for old to new values and technologies for making our mother Earth .

Now about some technologies invented  around the world that may change the way we travel, purify water for millions who do not have the money to buy even cheap purifiers.

                                     The plane that runs on hydrogen and emits only water.

                                    HY4, Aircraft

                           Air Taxi of the future

The dream of sustainable air travel is now one step closer to reality, after a team of researchers in Germany flew a plane that emits nothing but water vapor into the atmosphere.
The plane runs on fuel cells -- devices producing an electrical current from a supply of hydrogen and oxygen -- aided by a battery for extra oomph during takeoff.
The four-seater aircraft, called HY4, had its maiden flight from Stuttgart Airport in Germany in September. It's the result of a collaboration between aircraft manufacturer Pipistrel, fuel cell specialists Hydrogenics, the University of Ulm and the German Aerospace Center (DLR)'s Institute of Engineering and Thermodynamics.

                                        HY4 is powered by a hybrid fuel cell
                                                 Courtesy DLR/GermanAerospaceCentre
"This is the first time that somebody has built an airplane that can carry more than one person and which is driven by hydrogen," says Andre Thess, director of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics at DLR, who sees HY4 as a major leap toward decarbonizing air travel.
The team aims to use fuel cells to power small and medium-sized passenger planes, which could change regional air travel and provide an alternative to carbon-emitting airplanes, buses and trains.
Josef Kallo, HY4 project leader at DLR and a professor at the University of Ulm, thinks we could also see emission-free air taxis flying from city to city within the next 20 years.
"Say you want to go between Irvine and Ventura in the Los Angeles area. It can take you between one and a half and three hours if there are traffic jams, but by plane it will take you around 35 to 40 minutes.
"And within a controlled airspace you could have a lot of these planes flying around."
The electrical system is also very quiet compared to conventional planes, as it does not have the same loud combustion roar as a jet engine, which makes it ideal for flying near residential areas, Kallo says.
"I can envision having a lot of these planes landing in the middle of Los Angeles, for example."
The team are also looking at placing the system in larger aircraft.
News Source CNN.


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